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第9章 天使安吉拉出现(1 / 3)

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Hello, Hugo,


My name is Angela and I am from Sinhaijia.


I have read your letter. I think you are great.


In particular, I like watching you sing the theme song of the sitcom "Six Friends" .


Can we schedule an audio chat via the SK platform for tonight at 9:00?


I want to learn Mandarin. I can teach you English.


Looking forward to language exchange with you.


Sincerely Angela





“Hello. Hugo. Good evening. ”安吉拉问候张天粤(Hugo是他英文名)

“Hello, Angela.wow, you''ve got a beautiful voice.”张天粤回答说安吉拉的声音很美。

“Thank you. You voice is great too.”安吉拉说张天粤的声音也很美。

“Thank you. You said you have watched my introduction video. And you love the sitcom “Six Friends”theme songs. Please tell me do you love the sitcom “Six Friends”? ”张天粤说“谢谢。你说你看了我的介绍视频。你喜欢情景喜剧《六个好朋友》的主题曲。”。请告诉我你喜欢情景喜剧《六个好朋友》吗

“Yes. I do. I love “Six Friends” so much.”是的。我喜欢。我太喜欢《六个好朋友》了

“Wow, Me too. Tell me about it I am crazy about “Six Friends”. Tell me which actor from the show of “Six Friends”do you like the most.”“哇,我也是。告诉我吧,我迷上了《六个好朋友》。告诉我你最喜欢《六个好朋友》里的哪个演员。”

“I like Chan. I love He and Monica as a couple too.”“我喜欢前德乐。我也喜欢他和玛妮咔。”

“ Wow, what a coincidence. So do I. I love Chan and Monica the most too. And my favorite movie is “Mari and The Sound of Music”””. Do you like it?”“哇,太巧了。我也是。我也最爱前德乐和玛妮咔。我最喜欢的电影是《马丽音乐之声》。”。你喜欢吗?”

“Yes, is my fa

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