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为保证正文中科学事实的严谨性和给感兴趣的读者提供一些延伸阅读材料,在《作品相关》部分我将开始同步发布与正文中科学内容有关的文献和书籍,供大家参考。  1. Auirre, J.(2022). Life finds a way. Nature Ecoloy & Evolution, 6(11), 1599-1600.  2. Anderson, P. W.(1972). More is different: broken syetry and the nature of the hierarchical structure of science. Science, 177(4047), 393-396.  2.Mlodinow, L.(2009). The drunkard''''s walk: How randoess rules our lives. Vintae.  3. Bird, R. J.(2003). Chaos and life: Colexity and order in evolution and thouht. Coluia University Press.  4. Cattivelli, F.,& Sayed, A. H.(2009, Deceer). Self-oranization in bird fliht fortions usin diffusion adaptation. In 2009 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Coutational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processin (CAMSAP)(pp. 49-52). IEEE.  5. Dick, G.,& Seli, M.(2003, Deceer). The aerodynac benefits of self-oranization in bird flocks. In 41st Aerospace Sciences Meetin and Exhibit (p. 608).  6. Ivancevic, V. G.,& Ivancevic, T. T.(2008). Colex nonlinearity: chaos, phase transitions, topoloy chane and path interals. Spriner Science & Business Media.  7.郝柏林.(1983).分岔,混沌,奇怪吸引子,湍流及其它——关于确定论系统中的内在随机性.物理学进展, 3(3), 335-416.  8. Nicolis, G.,& Prioine, I.(1989). Explorin colexity an introduction.  9. Bak, P., Tan, C.,& Wiesenfeld, K.(1988). Self-oranized criticality. Physical Review A, 38(1), 364.  10. Lanacker, P.(1981). Grand unified theories and proton decay. Physics Reports, 72(4), 185-385.  11. Shearer, S. M.(2010). Beautiful: the life of Hedy Larr. Macllan.  12. Kolorov, A. N.(1941). Dissipation of enery in the locally isotropic turbulence. In Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR (Vol. 32, pp. 19-21).  13. Chaikin, P. M., Lubensky, T. C.,& Witten, T. A.(1995). Principles of condensed tter physics (Vol. 10). Caride: Caride university press.  14.Žutić, I., Fabian, J.,& Sar, S. D.(2004). Spintronics: Fundantals and applications. Reviews of dern physics, 76(2), 323.  15. Braudel, F.(1958, Deceer). Histoire et sciences sociales: la lonue durée. In Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (Vol. 13,

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